Trevor at eight months !

Trevor at eight months !

Monday, December 6, 2010

You were created to be his helpmeet....

Thinking of those who are married, or who are going to be, or wanting to be someday - This is for you ! I was reading my book called " The Excellent Wife " and, in there I was reminded that I was created for James. What does that mean ? Back in the beginning, God took a rib from Adam to make Eve. She was made from the man ! And because of their sin, one of the things a husband and wife will always struggle with is being the head over the other. Now, we know clearly from the Bible that the husband is head over the wife. But, we will still try to take the reigns from our husbands. It may be because we are fearful, that he will make a bad choice, or that he really does not know what he is doing. But, we are reminded through God's word that our husbands are accountable to Him for ALL the choice's they make in this life. How big of a relief that is to me ! I am so thankful to be lead by James !

Just a thought for today :)

1 comment:

  1. I am in the middle of The Excellent Wife as well...such a good read! :)
